Sonstige Agrotipa HopSubSoiler AHSS 2-2 m/3-2,5 m Tiefenlockerer
Sonstige Agrotipa HopSubSoiler AHSS 2-2 m/3-2,5 m Tiefenlockerer
Agrotip-Ing. Blažek
Agrotipa HopSubSoiler AHSS 2-2 m/3-2,5 m
Agrotipa HopSubSoiler AHSS 2-2 m/3-2,5 m is deep subsoil plough for hop fields and orchards.
The machine allows cheep, quick, deep and good plowing in rows of hop or trees, till depth 65 cm.
Unique construction of plowshares allows work in various soil with low demand of tractor power. You can plow compacted soil in depth 25–65 cm. You increase the quality of soil profile.
Heavy duty frame and shares.
Three times pointed angle of shares allows easy entering in the soil.
Shares produced by BFM ( Bednar Farm Machinery ).
The frame is in height 75 cm.
Shares break compacted soil in row in hop fields/orchards – better input of water to the roots. Quick-Change system – easy change of both side blades.
The shares can be moves on frame.
You can break compacted soil between the tractor wheels, or behind tracks of the tractor wheels in the hop fields or orchards
2 shares – 2,0 m…………..3.400 € netto
3 shares - 2,5 m…………..4.600 €| netto
Handy: +420 602 430 291
In eine Woche lieferbar.
Unverbindliche Angebote erhalten
Petr Blazek Geschäftsleitung, Einkauf mehr... Werkstatt, Neumaschinen | |
Tel:+420 (0) 416 830519 | |
Sprachen: Tschechisch, Deutsch 3 weitere Englisch, Russisch, Slowakisch |
Hier finden Sie das passende Versicherungsangebot für diese Maschine.
CZ-41301 Roudnice nad Labem
Seit über 5 Jahren 6 Monaten bei
Impressum und DetailsCZ6102121047
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