MEWI Import Export Agrar Industrietechnik SRL
Pronto 12 NT G+F
An de fabricatie 2015, nr.ha lucrate cca.40.719 ;
12,00 m latime de lucru; 4,30 m latime de transport; rabatabila hidraulic;
o baterie de discuri antemergatoare cu diametru de 46 cm.;
buncar dublu compartimentat 12.000 l (50 : 50) pentru samanta SW 12000 SD;
roti duble buncar; sistem pneumatic pt. seminte; sistem de comanda si urmarire a semanarii
E-MANAGER; suflanta antrenata hidraulic; marcatori hidraulici;
60 brazdare de semanat HORSCH Turbodisc; 20 cm distanta intre brazdare;
forta de apasare pe fiecare brazdar pana la 250 kg;
varianta de fertilizare concomitent cu semanatul (grain & fertiliser);
role de tasare pentru fiecare brazdar; greble de acoperire conduse de role;
viteza de lucru 10-20 km/h; instalatie de semnalizare;
senzori infundare tuburi, modul infundare tuburi;
prindere bara de tractiune; sistem microgranulator;
snec de incarcare semanatoare pentru ambele bazine;
Garantie de functionare la predare-primire.
Unverbindliche Angebote erhalten
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RO-307305 Orţişoara
Seit über 8 Jahren 9 Monaten bei
Impressum und DetailsFür die außergerichtliche Einigung bei Verbraucherstreitigkeiten hat die Europäische Union eine Online-Plattform (Online-Streitbeilegungsplattform) eingerichtet:
- Klicken Sie auf Händler abonnieren.
- Abonnierte Händler und deren Angebote finden Sie unter Suchaufträge.
Fendt, Challenger and Valtra tractors
combine harvesters
no-till and mini-till soil working equipment
classical soil working equipment
seed drills
plant protection equipment
transport equipment of agricultural products
forage harvesters
facilities demanded by an agricultural enterprise
Through MEWI’s specialised departments, its more than 160 employees are prepared to address with no delay any request. Prospective MEWI customers may be provided with financial advice in addition to technical and commercial consultancy and details on repair / maintenance services, spare parts, etc. MEWI provides on-site support to its customers during agricultural campaigns. Currently, no one affords downtimes, and MEWI is not an exception: it is properly prepared for such challenges. Rapid couriers deliver at any place within the country, within 24 hours, the spare parts ordered by our customers. Latest logistic standards were used to build our new warehouse and to arrange the stock, to provide with no delay any spare part, from the smallest one to the larger units produced by European manufacturers of agricultural equipment. The small exhibition stand existing at our registered office displays the offers of our manufacturing partners, promotional items and specialised literature. Each visitor may be provided with expert advice, visit the machine fleet or test drive the modern tractors.