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Manitou MRT1840 EASY Diesel, 4x4x4 Drive, 18m Lifting Heig Teleskopický manipulátor

QF-č.: 10370567  / Interné č.: 3680419
QF-č.: 10370567  / Interné č.: 3680419

Manitou MRT1840 EASY Diesel, 4x4x4 Drive, 18m Lifting Heig Teleskopický manipulátor

overený predajca
71.995 € (59.500 € bez 21% DPH)
Rok výroby
Použitý stroj
Zobraziť telefónne číslo
Umiestnenie stroja
NL-7141JG Groenlo
Podrobnosti ponuky
MRT1840 EASY Diesel, 4x4x4 Drive, 18m Lifting Heig

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MRT1840 EASY Diesel, 4x4x4 Drive, 18m Lifting Heig

-- English --
- Type of fuel: Diesel
- Drive: Wheel
- Power: 74 kW (100 HP)
- Empty weight: 13450 kg
- Make of engine: Perkins
- Lifting capacity: 4000 kg
- Lift height: 1.800 cm
- Top speed: 25 km/h
- Serial number: 760054
- Transport dimensions (LxWxH): 6.27x2.42x2.99
Please contact us for more information.

-- Deutsch --
- Kraftstofftyp: Diesel
- Antrieb: Rad
- Leistung: 74 kW (100 PS)
- Leergewicht: 13450 kg
- Motormarke: Perkins
- Hubkapazität: 4000 kg
- Hubhöhe: 1.800 cm
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 25 km/h
- Seriennummer: 760054
- Transportabmessungen (L x B x H): 6.27x2.42x2.99
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-- Nederlands --
- Brandstofsoort: Diesel
- Aandrijving: Wiel
- Vermogen: 74 kW (100 PK)
- Ledig gewicht: 13450 kg
- Merk motor: Perkins
- Hefcapaciteit: 4000 kg
- Hefhoogte: 1.800 cm
- Topsnelheid: 25 km/u km/h
- Serienummer: 760054
- Afmetingen (LxBxH) (m): 6.27x2.42x2.99
Manufacturer: Manitou
Typ: MT1840 Easy
Building year: 2011
Serial nr: 760054
Working Hours: 4.711 h
Fuel: Diesel

Lifting height: 18 m
Lifting capacity: 4000 kg
Max reach: 15 m

Engine manufacture / typ: Perkins / 3066/2200
Power in kW / HP: 74.5 / 100

Drive / Steering: 4x4 /4
Tyre condition: 50%
Moving speed: 25 kmh

More detailed pictures / product movie on our website.

Above specifications are subject to change without prior notice and subject to errors.

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Telefónne číslo (voliteľné)
Pfeifer Rentals & Sales B.V.
overený predajca
Den Sliem 83
NL-7141JG Groenlo

Od o 2 Jahren 6 Monaten

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