Krone Easy Flow 300S Inspected Zberač krmovín
Krone Easy Flow 300S Inspected Zberač krmovín
AM Machinery B.V.
Easy Flow 300S Inspected
-- English --
- Field of application: Agriculture
- Applicable material: Grass
- Attachment suited for: Agricultural machines
- Working width: 300 cm
- Warranty: No Warranty
2018 Krone Easy Flow 300S 3 meter grass pick up, good working pick up which is been inspected and tested.
-- Deutsch --
- Verwendungszweck: Ackerbau
- Verwendbares Material: Gras
- Einsatz geeignet für: Landmaschinen
- Arbeitsbreite: 300 cm
- Garantie: No Warranty
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-- Nederlands --
- Toepassingsgebied: Akkerbouw
- Toepassingsmateriaal: Gras
- Aanbouwdeel geschikt voor: Landbouwmachines
- Werkbreedte: 300 cm
- Garantie: No Warranty
2018 Krone Easy Flow 300S 3 meter grass pick up, good working pick up which is been inspected and tested.
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