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Sonstige Claas Jaguar 830 Double Cut HEMPER Кормоуборочные комбайны

№ QF: 10461707  / Внутренний №: 3713054
№ QF: 10461707  / Внутренний №: 3713054

Sonstige Claas Jaguar 830 Double Cut HEMPER Кормоуборочные комбайны

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Claas Jaguar 830 Double Cut HEMPER

-- English --
- Type: Forage harvester
Hemp harvest equipment - the Double Cut HEMPER®: harvest the hemp CBD flowers and fiber off commercial hemp in one go. Proven hemp harvest equipment method since many years. The Double Cut Hemper is a Claas 830 self-propelled forage harvester, rebuilt and prepared for hemp harvest. It includes a special single knife drum to cut the fiber in pieces off 60 cm (2ft), the Hemper rotary header designed to harvest hemp and prevents congestion and seizing of rotating parts off the tough Hemp crop, a hydraulic lift and last but not least a light weight draper header with left hand belt to harvest the top section of the buds, leaves and flower.
Please call us for more information and technical specifications on or visit

-- Deutsch --
- Typ: Feldhäcksler
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-- Nederlands --
- Type: Veldhakselaar
- Kleur: Onbekend
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Industriestraat 23, 5961PH Horst, NL
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AM Machinery B.V.
проверенный продавец
Industriestraat 23
NL-5961PH Horst

С через 2 Jahren 7 Monaten наagrodelo

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