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Pomi Std1 Fabriksny Другое

№ QF: 4441973
№ QF: 4441973

Pomi Std1 Fabriksny Другое

проверенный продавец
225.000 DKK (180.000 DKK не вкл. 25% НДС)
Год выпуска
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Std1 Fabriksny

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Std1 Fabriksny

Mobile hoof trimming crush.

​This hoof-trimming crush is suitable for any size of cow. It can be adjusted lengthwise. The headgate opens to the sides and only closes to fit the neck size of the cow in the crush.

The new type of front-leg restraint, which swivels mechanically catching hold of the cow's leg, is supplied with a manual or hydraulic front-leg lock. The system is pulled into position by a cylinder fitted with a rope that also keeps the front-leg restraint locked.

The hind leg restraint is flexible featuring a double fitting for better fixation of the legs. This spares the beast's joints and leaves no marks. The length of the tailgate is hydraulically variable to ensure uniform positioning of the hind legs no matter which position they are in.

See video on our website .

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Pomi Industri ApS
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Abildvadvej 5
DK-9610 Nørager

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