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Manitou MLT 635-130 PS+ Premium încărcător telescopic

Nr. QF: 10086293  / Nr. intern: 3612151
Nr. QF: 10086293  / Nr. intern: 3612151

Manitou MLT 635-130 PS+ Premium încărcător telescopic

ofertant îngropat
Preț la cerere
An de fabricație
Maşină Nouă
arata nr de telefon
Amplasarea utilajului
BE-9180 Moerbeke
Detalii ofertă
MLT 635-130 PS+ Premium

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MLT 635-130 PS+ Premium

-- English --
- Field of application: Agriculture
- Power: 95 kW (129 HP)
- Empty weight: 7.682 kg
- Chassis type: rigid
- Lifting capacity: 3.500 kg
- Lift height: 608 cm
- Top speed: 40 km/h
- Options: Air conditioning
- Rental currency: EUR
Please contact us for more information.

-- Deutsch --
- Verwendungszweck: Landwirtschaft
- Leistung: 95 kW (129 PS)
- Leergewicht: 7.682 kg
- Fahrgestellform: starr
- Hubkapazität: 3.500 kg
- Hubhöhe: 608 cm
- Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 40 km/h
- Optionen: Klimaanlage
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-- Nederlands --
- Toepassingsgebied: Landbouw
- Vermogen: 95 kW (129 PK)
- Ledig gewicht: 7.682 kg
- Chassisvorm: star
- Hefcapaciteit: 3.500 kg
- Hefhoogte: 608 cm
- Topsnelheid: 40 km/u
- Opties: Airconditioning
Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie.

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Papdijk 16, 9180 Moerbeke, BE
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Papdijk 16
BE-9180 Moerbeke

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