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Sonstige LGMG AS1012E 12 METER 320 KG GS-3232 ES 3246 Teleskopowa platforma robocza

Nr.-QF: 10397162  / Nr. wewnętrzny: 3693747
Nr.-QF: 10397162  / Nr. wewnętrzny: 3693747

Sonstige LGMG AS1012E 12 METER 320 KG GS-3232 ES 3246 Teleskopowa platforma robocza

sprawdzony oferent
9.559 € (7.900 € plus 21% VAT)
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Maszyna używana
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Lokalizacja maszyny
NL-8316GG Marknesse
Szczegóły oferty
LGMG AS1012E 12 METER 320 KG GS-3232 ES 3246

Opis przetłumaczony automatycznie ({{ sourceLangLong }} -> {{ targetLangLong }})

LGMG AS1012E 12 METER 320 KG GS-3232 ES 3246

-- English --
- Type of fuel: Electric
- Year of construction: 2018
- Colour: Orange
- Operating hours: 223
- Field of application: Construction
- Drive: Wheel
- Dimensions (LxBxH): 247 x 118 x 186 cm
- Lifting capacity: 320 kg
- Lift height: 1.000 cm
- Working height: 1.200 cm
- CE mark: yes
- General condition: very good
- Technical condition: very good
- Visual appearance: very good
- Damages: none
- VIN: J11100021
For sale:

Year: 2018
Hours: 223
Weight: 3.000 kg

Working height: 12 m
Lift capacity: 320 kg
Length platform retracted: 2.26 m
Length platform extended: 3.16 m
220v connector in basket
Non marking tires

Power source:
24V DC 240 Ah

Transport dimensions:
Length: 2.47 m
Width: 1.18 m
Height: 1.86 m

CE document
Instruction manual

Good working machine, ready for the job!

Of course, we have more pictures and information available, and we are looking forward to helping you.

Worldwide delivery is possible!

For more information, please contact Jaap Siebert:

Hulleman Trucks B.V.
D.P.A. Weeversstraat 2
8316 GG Marknesse - Holland

-- Deutsch --
- Kraftstofftyp: Elektrisch
- Konstruktionsjahr: 2018
- Farbe: Orange
- Betriebsstunden: 223
- Verwendungszweck: Bauwesen
- Antrieb: Rad
- Abmessungen (L x B x H): 247 x 118 x 186 cm
- Hubkapazität: 320 kg
- Hubhöhe: 1.000 cm
- Arbeitshöhe: 1.200 cm
- CE-Kennzeichnung: ja
- Allgemeiner Zustand: sehr gut
- Technischer Zustand: sehr gut
- Optischer Zustand: sehr gut
- Schäden: keines
- FIN: J11100021
Setzen Sie sich fur nahere Auskunfte mit uns in Verbindung.

-- Nederlands --
- Brandstofsoort: Elektrisch
- Constructiejaar: 2018
- Kleur: Oranje
- Bedrijfsuren: 223
- Toepassingsgebied: Bouw
- Aandrijving: Wiel
- Afmetingen (LxBxH): 247 x 118 x 186 cm
- Hefcapaciteit: 320 kg
- Hefhoogte: 1.000 cm
- Werkhoogte: 1.200 cm
- CE markering: ja
- Algemene staat: zeer goed
- Technische staat: zeer goed
- Optische staat: zeer goed
- Schade: schadevrij
- VIN: J11100021
For sale:

Year: 2018
Hours: 223
Weight: 3.000 kg

Working height: 12 m
Lift capacity: 320 kg
Length platform retracted: 2.26 m
Length platform extended: 3.16 m
220v connector in basket
Non marking tires

Power source:
24V DC 240 Ah

Transport dimensions:
Length: 2.47 m
Width: 1.18 m
Height: 1.86 m

CE document
Instruction manual

Good working machine, ready for the job!

Of course, we have more pictures and information available, and we are looking forward to helping you.

Worldwide delivery is possible!

For more information, please contact Jaap Siebert:

Hulleman Trucks B.V.
D.P.A. Weeversstraat 2
8316 GG Marknesse - Holland

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Skontaktuj się z oferentem
Numer telefonu (opcjonalnie)
Hulleman Trucks B.V.
sprawdzony oferent
D.P.A. Weeversstraat 2
NL-8316GG Marknesse

Od ponad 6 Jahren 1 miesiąc w gieldamaszyn24

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