Kverneland pw 100 variomat Pług
Kverneland pw 100 variomat Pług
pw 100 variomat
După descrierea engleză găsiți descrierea în limba maghiară și în limba română.;Dacă aveți nevoie de informații în limba română, vă rog să-l contactați pe colegul meu Gabor Somorjai pentru datele de contact ale lui Attila Retty.;;Specification:;Year: 2009;Auto-Reset system (flat spring insurance for all plough heads);With swivel plates;Plough space: 100 cm;Brush head type: 'No. 28' (steering plate for tractors with wider tyres);Grip width: 30-55 cm;Spar height: 75/80 cm;Tyres: 400/55-22,5 BKT (like new);Heat treated spar: 200 x 200 mm;With monitor (easy automatic operation, timing adjustment, one-touch operation, 3 pairs of hydraulic circuits with one return branch);Oil spill free working rollers;PACKOMAT ploughing ploughing roller (compaction effect with 1000 kg soil pressure);Ploughing depth: 15-30 cm;Variomat VARI-WIDTH up to on-the-fly hydraulic grip width adjustment ;Tractive force requirement: min. 400 hp;;Efficient, flexible, easy to handle. The well-proven Kverneland "3-in-1" concept consists of a robust, semi-suspended front plough and a rear, normally suspended, alternating plough. Depending on the weather and ground conditions, the whole plough can be used as a trailer plough, or just the front and rear ploughs separately.;;Advantages:;;- Kverneland unique steel and heat treatment technology;- Quality ploughing thanks to the 3-point suspension in the middle section of the plough;- Simple and safe adjustment for operation (ATS, ISOBUS, manual control with electro-hydraulic valve option);- for continuous ploughing, NON-STOP leaf spring safety, provides smooth and efficient evasion of stones, rocks and other foreign objects in the soil);- Stable, safe during turning and transport;- Wide range of parts;; plough:;;- Suitable for all soil types;- Turns the furrow furrow farther out, resulting in a 25% wider furrow width;- Ideal for tractors with wider tyres;;Vari-Width system and its advantages:;;- The system consists of a robust 24 mm plow head mounting b
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