MEWI Import Export Agrar Industrietechnik SRL
An de fabricatie: 2021; nr.ore de functionare cca. 435
Sistem de control al headerului TerraControl II;
Reglaj manual al unghiului de taiere; viteza automata a rabatorului;
Antrenare header cu cardan 135 kW, variabil; 2 trepte de viteza pentru
lanturile transportoare;
Combina cu system de treierere Dual Helix;
2 rotoare; diametru rotor 600 mm; lungime rotor 4.837 mm;
2 trepte de viteza pentru rotoare;
suprafata gratarelor de treierere 1,66 mp; suprafata de separare 3,58 mp;
suprafata sitelor: 4,9 mp;
Sistem IDEALbalance;
Streamer 140:buncar boabe: 12.500 l; debit de descarcare 140 l/sec;
tocator de paie ShortCut cu 112 cutite zimtate; Active Spread reglabil;
Transmisie MotionShift cu 2 trepte;
Motor MAN 401 kW/ 538 CP-putere dezvoltata cu PowerBoost(ECE R 120);
turbo; common rail;
norma de poluare Stage 5;
capacitate 12,4 l; 6 cilindrii; system de racire cu AirSense.
sistem de purificare a gazelor esapate (SCR);
catalizator(DOC)+recirculare gaze esapate(EGR); filtru de particule
(DPF);compresor aer;
cabina Vision; lumini de lucru Full; lumini de lucru punte spate; climatizare;
incalzire; scaun ergonomic cu suspensie pneumatica; oglinzi reglabile si incalzite electric; oglinzi cu unghi larg;
scaun copilot, comenzi centralizate pe o maneta;
Sistem de autoghidare prin GPS VarioGuide;
Sistem de optimizare a parametrilor de lucru HarvestPLus;
anvelope : 800/70R38 in fata; 620/70-26 in spate;
Heder paioase FENDT POWERFLOW 9,2 Second-hand
Ridicatori plante, despicatori de lan; 2 cutite laterale;
Pentru Fendt Ideal.
Carucior transport heder ZIEGLER Profi CARRIER SWW
pentru heder Powerflow cu latimea de lucru 9,20 m;
Garantie: pana in data de 27.06.2025 in limita a 1000 ore de functionare
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RO-307305 Orţişoara
Od ponad 8 Jahren 10 Monaten w gieldamaszyn24
Stopka redakcyjna i szczegółyDla porozumień pozasądowych w przypadku sporów konsumenckich Unia Europejska utworzyła platformę online (platforma rozwiązywania sporów online):
- Kliknij przycisk Subskrybuj sprzedawcę.
- Subskrybowanych sprzedawców i ich oferty można znaleźć w żądaniach wyszukiwania.
Fendt, Challenger and Valtra tractors
combine harvesters
no-till and mini-till soil working equipment
classical soil working equipment
seed drills
plant protection equipment
transport equipment of agricultural products
forage harvesters
facilities demanded by an agricultural enterprise
Through MEWI’s specialised departments, its more than 160 employees are prepared to address with no delay any request. Prospective MEWI customers may be provided with financial advice in addition to technical and commercial consultancy and details on repair / maintenance services, spare parts, etc. MEWI provides on-site support to its customers during agricultural campaigns. Currently, no one affords downtimes, and MEWI is not an exception: it is properly prepared for such challenges. Rapid couriers deliver at any place within the country, within 24 hours, the spare parts ordered by our customers. Latest logistic standards were used to build our new warehouse and to arrange the stock, to provide with no delay any spare part, from the smallest one to the larger units produced by European manufacturers of agricultural equipment. The small exhibition stand existing at our registered office displays the offers of our manufacturing partners, promotional items and specialised literature. Each visitor may be provided with expert advice, visit the machine fleet or test drive the modern tractors.