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Spierings SK597-AT4 Dutch Vehicle Registration, Valid Aboma Dźwig

Nr.-QF: 10368356  / Nr. wewnętrzny: 3679869
Nr.-QF: 10368356  / Nr. wewnętrzny: 3679869

Spierings SK597-AT4 Dutch Vehicle Registration, Valid Aboma Dźwig

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NL-7141JG Groenlo
Szczegóły oferty
SK597-AT4 Dutch Vehicle Registration, Valid Aboma

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SK597-AT4 Dutch Vehicle Registration, Valid Aboma

-- English --
- Type: Tower crane
- Operating hours: 3207
- Field of application: Construction
- Drive: Wheel
- Empty weight: 48520 kg
- Lifting capacity: 7000 kg
- Lift height: 5.810 cm
- VIN: XL9AT4007L0251487
- Serial number: 597179
- Front tyres / undercarriage remaining: 70
- Rear tyres remaining: 70
- Tyre brand: -
- Carrier engine: -
- Upper engine: -
- Transport dimensions (LxWxH): 15.98x2.75x3.99
Please contact us for more information.

-- Deutsch --
- Typ: Turmdrehkran
- Betriebsstunden: 3207
- Verwendungszweck: Bauwesen
- Antrieb: Rad
- Leergewicht: 48520 kg
- Hubkapazität: 7000 kg
- Hubhöhe: 5.810 cm
- FIN: XL9AT4007L0251487
- Seriennummer: 597179
- Zustand der Bereifung vorne: 70
- Zustand der Bereifung hinten: 70
- Transportabmessungen (L x B x H): 15.98x2.75x3.99
Setzen Sie sich fur nahere Auskunfte mit uns in Verbindung.

-- Nederlands --
- Type: Torenkraan
- Bedrijfsuren: 3207
- Toepassingsgebied: Bouw
- Aandrijving: Wiel
- Ledig gewicht: 48520 kg
- Hefcapaciteit: 7000 kg
- Hefhoogte: 5.810 cm
- VIN: XL9AT4007L0251487
- Serienummer: 597179
- Resterend profiel voorbanden: 70
- Resterend profiel achterbanden: 70
- Afmetingen (LxBxH) (m): 15.98x2.75x3.99
This SK597-AT4 can be sold with warranty. Inform about our conditions!

This crane has a NEW valid inspection.

Also available for rent!

Manufacturer: Spierings
Typ: SK597-AT4
Building year: 2020
Fuel: Diesel
Engine Hours:
KM: 16.736
Serial number: 597179
Chassis nr: XL9AT4007L0251487

Drive speed: 85 km/h
Number of axles: 4
Drive / Steering: 8x6 / x6
Gearbox typ: Automatic

Lifting capacity: 99 tm
Maximum load 7000 kg (up to 14,1 m)
Tip load 1700 kg
Maximum radius 48 m
Lifting height 27.8m
Tower height 29.7m
Maximum lifting height 58.1m (jib 45° luffed)

All necessary documents and papers
Books and Inspection Certificates.
Control parts books.
Dutch Vehicle registration.
New Paragraph 70

More detailed pictures / product movie on our website.


Above specifications are subject to change without prior notice and subject to errors.

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Den Sliem 83
NL-7141JG Groenlo

Od ponad 2 Jahren 6 Monaten w gieldamaszyn24

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