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Feng Shou DF-304 G2 Самоходное шасси

№ QF: 1794689  / Внутренний №: 03
№ QF: 1794689  / Внутренний №: 03

Feng Shou DF-304 G2 Самоходное шасси

тексерілген сатушы
99.875 DKK (79.900 DKK не вкл. 25% НДС)
25 л.с. (18.39 кВт)
Год выпуска
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Машинаның орналасқан жері
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DF-304 G2

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DF-304 G2

New from fabric. OFFER ONLY 561, - per. months. If you are a farmer, horse owner, machine landlord, property manager or leisure farmer then ONJ 430 is for you, the tractor can be used on equal terms with the big traditional tractors as it has all the necessities that are required as such. hydraulics, PTO, differential lock mm. The advantage is, however, the size which is substantially smaller and which makes it far easier to handle, for example. considering the tractor is not more than 1.4 tonnes and measures 2.8 meters in length and 1.85 m in height. This makes it possible to get far more sites of the tractor. Reversing gear 8x8 fully synchronized kr. 4.900, - + VAT extra.
In addition, the tractor is characterized as having the right price to those who have a need for a machine but not in need of an expensive and heavy machine.
The engine is a three cylinder diesel with direct injection, 30 hp with 96.8 nM (2400 rpm) which provides the force necessary even with the equipment to be able to achieve, for example. truck, front loader, mini digger, plow and much more. The engine is also built up mechanically making it easy to maintain.
ONJ 430 is four wheel drive that not only makes it easy terrain, but also incredibly powerful tractor pulls up to 6 tons. ONJ 430 appears on almost all surfaces such as wet fields, snow, etc. However, does the weight that it runs great on a lawn and it does not destroy the substrate.
The tractor has a very tight turning radius that makes it very forthcoming, it is also built entirely mechanical making it easy to maintain the tractor also any small repairs can easily handle even.
The general service does not require visits to the workshop because it is easy even to handle, however, comes tractor with 24 month warranty. As done in our main service center in Herning or aut. Dealer.
Our people are in daily contact with the factory, thus we ensure that the quality is as desired and expected. All machines are quality tested before leaving the factory. ONJ 430 is Type approved by the Traffic Authority and can be registered on the license plates you want fro only the plate cost. The factory is ISO 9001 certified and assuring thus a high and consistent quality at every ONJ tractors.

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ONJ Tractors
тексерілген сатушы
Virkelyst 80 - 82
DK-7400 Herning

арқылы 9 Jahren 2 Monaten мекенжайғаagrosektor

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