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Goldhofer Kamag K25 - THP-SL Низкорамный прицеп

№ QF: 10452419  / Внутренний №: 3710716
№ QF: 10452419  / Внутренний №: 3710716

Goldhofer Kamag K25 - THP-SL Низкорамный прицеп

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Kamag K25 - THP-SL

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Kamag K25 - THP-SL

-- English --
18 lines (3 x 6 lines) Kamag K25 lines (At this moment 2 x 6 lines on the photo’s)
All Bj 2010
36.000 kg p/axle
BPW axles
215/75R17.5 tyres

1 x Extra Heavy, Extra Long Goldhofer THP-SL Gooseneck

Bj 2004
45 ton capacity

1 x New Goldhofer PPU, Hatz 1D81Z Diesel

The Kamag K25 is fully compatible with the Goldhofer THP-SL

-- Deutsch --
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-- Nederlands --
18 lines (3 x 6 lines) Kamag K25 lines (At this moment 2 x 6 lines on the photo’s)
All Bj 2010
36.000 kg p/axle
BPW axles
215/75R17.5 tyres

1 x Extra Heavy, Extra Long Goldhofer THP-SL Gooseneck

Bj 2004
45 ton capacity

1 x New Goldhofer PPU, Hatz 1D81Z Diesel

The Kamag K25 is fully compatible with the Goldhofer THP-SL

18 lines (3 x 6 lines) Kamag K25 lines (At this moment 2 x 6 lines on the photo’s)
All Bj 2010
36.000 kg p/axle
BPW axles
215/75R17.5 tyres

1 x Extra Heavy, Extra Long Goldhofer THP-SL Gooseneck

Bj 2004
45 ton capacity

1 x New Goldhofer PPU, Hatz 1D81Z Diesel

The Kamag K25 is fully compatible with the Goldhofer THP-SL

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spoorstraat 1, 8084HW 't Harde, NL
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R & J Sindorf B.V.
тексерілген сатушы
spoorstraat 1
NL-8084HW 't Harde

арқылы 0 Jahren 2 Monaten мекенжайғаagrosektor

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