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John Deere 8320 R Traktor
John Deere 8320 R Traktor
8320 R
Type: Tractor - Engine power (HP): 352 - Transmission name: AutoPower - Front left tyre condition: Satisfactory - Front right tyre condition: Satisfactory - Rear right tyre condition: Satisfactory - Rear left tyre condition: Satisfactory - Number of Front Weights: 22 - Rear lower link category: Cat. 3 - Rear stabilizer type: Mechanical - Control units rear double-acting: Yes - Oil return: Yes - Hitch: Yes - Hitch type: Automatic - Hitch bolt size: 38mm - Ball coupling: Yes - Front spotlights: Yes - Rear spotlights: Yes - ELC: Yes - PTO rear revolutions (RPM): 1000 - Seat suspension: Yes - Rear hydraulics external operation: Yes - Number of Engine Cylinders: 6 - Engine manufacturer: John Deere -