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Ditch Witch d'occasion & nouveau
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1.837 €(1.531 € TVA 20% en sus)
Puissance: 15 PS (11 KW)
Nouvelle machine
UA- Київ
7.106 €(5.922 € TVA 20% en sus)
Année de construction: 2017
Puissance: 24 PS (18 KW)
Nouvelle machine
UA- Київ
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3.535 €(2.946 € TVA 20% en sus)
Année de construction: 2018
Puissance: 24 PS (18 KW)
Nouvelle machine
UA- Київ
4.788 €(3.990 € TVA 20% en sus)
Puissance: 24 PS (18 KW)
Nouvelle machine
UA- Київ
5.012 €(4.177 € TVA 20% en sus)
Année de construction: 2018
Puissance: 24 PS (18 KW)
Nouvelle machine
UA- Київ
3.568 €(2.973 € TVA 20% en sus)
Année de construction: 2018
Puissance: 24 PS (18 KW)
Nouvelle machine
UA- Київ
5.532 €(4.610 € TVA 20% en sus)
Puissance: 24 PS (18 KW)
Nouvelle machine
UA- Київ
A good company is more than just the sum of its products. The Ditch Witch organization is understandably proud of the many innovative products we've contributed to the underground construction industry, but we reserve the full force of our pride for the thousands of employees, past and present, who have made these products possible. They share more than a place to collect a paycheck, a mission statement and a strong work ethic. They share a bloodline.
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