Hans Wittrock GmbH Landtechnik
Offer-machine: HEMPBULL (Wittrock) based on CLAAS XERION 4000
two phased hemp harvester
Carrier machine: Claas Xerion 4000
Harvesting opportunity for: Hemp blossoms and leaves, fibres and shives
Working width: 6 meter
Max. working speed: 10 km/h
Cutting lenght: 30 - 60 cm
Maximum protection of the CBD content through gentle separation of the leaves from the stem
Suitable for all hemp height verieties from 0.25 to 4.5 meters.
Optimum view onto the working processes
More efficiency through one harvesting phase
Height adjustability of the Stripper
The height of the stripper is freely adjustable to the growth height of the hemp plant. This allows the machine to be used for both: low-growing and high-growing hemp varieties.
Gentle seperation of blossoms and leaves from the stem
The blossoms and leaves are very gently separated from the plant stem by the stripper. This allows the CBD content to be maintained almost completely.
Cutting up the stems for a better further processing
Our self-developed Hemp Cut drum unit cuts the hemp plants into 30-60 cm long ends. The length of the cuts can be controlled by varying the HempCut drum rotation. The cutting up of the hemp stems simplifies the further processing of the raw material significantly.
Time saver: Duo swath depositing
After the plant trunks have been cut into 30-60 cm long ends, they are deposited in a duo swath. This airy way of depositing allows the roasting process to start immediately - a real time-saver!
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DE-26899 Rhede / Brual
Tel | +49 (0) 496491600 |
Fax | +49 (0) 4964916060 |
Mobil | +49 (0) 4964 916015 |
Desde hace más de 27 Jahren 4 Monaten entechnikboerse.com
Aviso legal y detallesDorfstraße 38
D-26899 Rhede/ Brual
Tel.: 04964/91600
Fax: 04964/916060
E-Mail: info@wittrock-landtechnik.de
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Wittrock, B.Eng Heiko Wittrock
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 811 287 760
Handelsregister Eintrag: Registernummer: HRB 121256 Amtsgericht Osnabrück
St.-Nr. 53/200/23363
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Hans Wittrock GmbH Landtechnik
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Wittrock, B.Eng. Heiko Wittrock
Dorfstraße 38
D-26899 Rhede/ Brual
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