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Sonstige Rauch Axis 30.1 W Farmyard manure spreader
QF No.: 10993388 / Internal No.: 676CF902

QF No.: 10993388 / Internal No.: 676CF902
Sonstige Rauch Axis 30.1 W Farmyard manure spreader
Year of manuf.
Second-hand machine
Offer details
Offer details
Rauch Axis 30.1 W
Lager nr.: 26924
Antal tidligere ejere: 1
Brugt Rauch AXIS 30.1W liftophængt gødningsspreder, årg. 2011 solgt i 2012, S4 spredevinger (24mtr.) mekanisk presenning, vejeceller, kantspredning, Quantron-E2 terminal, spredt 5908ha
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