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Hamm HC119i Packer & Walze

Αρ. QF: 10406255  / Εσωτερικός αρ.: 3696480
Αρ. QF: 10406255  / Εσωτερικός αρ.: 3696480

Hamm HC119i Packer & Walze

Επαληθευμένος πωλητής
53.240 € (44.000 € πλέον 21% ΦΠΑ)
Έτος κατασκευής
Καινούργιο μηχάνημα
Εμφάνιση αριθμού τηλεφώνου
Τοποθεσία μηχανήματος
Λεπτομέρειες προσφοράς

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-- English --
- Type: Single drum roller
- Operating hours: 5
- Empty weight: 11190 kg
- VIN: WHB0H279EHAA00132
- Serial number: WHB0H279EHAA00132
- Emissions / Stage: IV
-CUMMINS 90 kW CEV Stage IV engine with best in class power and with ECO mode
-3-point articulation for even weight distribution and excellent on-centre feel
-High compaction performance
-Intuitive and language-neutral operation
-Easy maintenance and servicing
-Excellent view of the machine and the construction site
-Operating weight 11190 kgs

-- Deutsch --
- Typ: Einzelwalze
- Betriebsstunden: 5
- Leergewicht: 11190 kg
- FIN: WHB0H279EHAA00132
- Seriennummer: WHB0H279EHAA00132
-CUMMINS 90 kW CEV Stage IV engine with best in class power and with ECO mode
-3-point articulation for even weight distribution and excellent on-centre feel
-High compaction performance
-Intuitive and language-neutral operation
-Easy maintenance and servicing
-Excellent view of the machine and the construction site
-Operating weight 11190 kgs

-- Nederlands --
- Type: Enkele wals
- Bedrijfsuren: 5
- Ledig gewicht: 11190 kg
- VIN: WHB0H279EHAA00132
- Serienummer: WHB0H279EHAA00132
- Emissies / Stadium: IV
-CUMMINS 90 kW CEV Stage IV engine with best in class power and with ECO mode
-3-point articulation for even weight distribution and excellent on-centre feel
-High compaction performance
-Intuitive and language-neutral operation
-Easy maintenance and servicing
-Excellent view of the machine and the construction site
-Operating weight 11190 kgs

Τοποθεσία μηχανήματος και μεταφορά
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Schiemerik 1, 5334NL Velddriel, NL
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Επικοινωνία με πωλητή
Αριθμός τηλεφώνου (προαιρετικά)
Big Machinery B.V.
Επαληθευμένος πωλητής
Schiemerik 1
NL-5334NL Velddriel

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