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SDMO J22 - 22 kVA Generator - DPX-17100 Γεννήτρια έκτακτης ανάγκης

Αρ. QF: 10296848  / Εσωτερικός αρ.: 3669061
Αρ. QF: 10296848  / Εσωτερικός αρ.: 3669061

SDMO J22 - 22 kVA Generator - DPX-17100 Γεννήτρια έκτακτης ανάγκης

Επαληθευμένος πωλητής
16.940 € (14.000 € πλέον 21% ΦΠΑ)
Έτος κατασκευής
Καινούργιο μηχάνημα
Εμφάνιση αριθμού τηλεφώνου
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J22 - 22 kVA Generator - DPX-17100

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J22 - 22 kVA Generator - DPX-17100

-- English --
- Type of fuel: Diesel
- Field of application: Construction
- Empty weight: 812 kg
- Make of engine: John Deere 3029DSG20
- Generator capacity: 22 kVA
- EPA Marked: yes
- Fuel consumption: 5.5 Liter / Hour at 75% Load
- Options: Battery, Control Panel, Steel canopy, Tank
- Generator: Kohler KH00404T04N
- Frequency: 50
- Voltage: 400
- Drill equipment: Tank, Battery, Control Panel, Steel canopy
- Water tank volume: 100 l
- Transport dimensions (LxWxH): 2,1x0,938x1,285
Please note that from 2024 onwards, the canopies will be beige instead of blue. Also note that the specifications on the pictures might differ from the actual stock from 2024 and newer. See data sheets for the exact information.

-- Deutsch --
- Kraftstofftyp: Diesel
- Verwendungszweck: Bauwesen
- Leergewicht: 812 kg
- Motormarke: John Deere 3029DSG20
- Generatorleistung: 22 kVA
- Wassertankvolumen: 100 l
- Transportabmessungen (L x B x H): 2,1x0,938x1,285
- Optionen: Battery, Control Panel, Stahldach, Tanker
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-- Nederlands --
- Brandstofsoort: Diesel
- Toepassingsgebied: Bouw
- Ledig gewicht: 812 kg
- Merk motor: John Deere 3029DSG20
- Generatorvermogen: 22 kVA
- Garantie: 1 year / 1.000 hours
- Tankcapaciteit: 100 l
- Afmetingen (LxBxH) (m): 2,1x0,938x1,285
- Opties: Batterij, Bedieningspaneel, Stalen kap, Tank
Please note that from 2024 onwards, the canopies will be beige instead of blue. Also note that the specifications on the pictures might differ from the actual stock from 2024 and newer. See data sheets for the exact information.

Including : coolant heater and battery charger

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DPX Power
Επαληθευμένος πωλητής
Oudlandsedijk 8
NL-4731TB Oudenbosch

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