Τεχνολογία δασοκομίας
LKWs & Transporter

Sales tool: Top homepage ad

Sales tool: Top homepage ad

Your machine ad prominently on the frontpage:
Maximum visibility for your offer

Thanks to the sales tool Top homepage ad, your offer appears prominently directly below the search slot and is seen there by up to 225,000 users per week.

The duration of the sales tool is 7 days. You can set the start time yourself.

Maximum visibility

The Top homepage ad will be seen by up to 225,000 users per week.

Simple booking

Book this sales tool for your machine ad with just one click.

Highly flexible

Individually plan the start date and time for your Top homepage ad.

Book the best placement for your ad now:

When creating a new machine ad

While creating your machine ad you can chose Top homepage ad in the last step ("Maximise visibility") and add it to your booking.

With an existing machine ad

To add the sales tool to an existing machine ad, open your Inventory listing in your user account, chose your machine ad, and go to additional services.

Sales tool: Top homepage ad example

How may we assist you?

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our sales tools and advertising opportunities on technikboerse. We will be happy to support and advise you!

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