Caterpillar 320D - bucket with teeth Korečkové rýpadlo
Caterpillar 320D - bucket with teeth Korečkové rýpadlo
BIG Machinery
320D - bucket with teeth
-- English --
- Operating hours: 6800
- Empty weight: 20350 kg
- VIN: JFZ00664
- Serial number: JFZ00664
- Options: Hammerlines
-bucket with teeth
-- Deutsch --
- Betriebsstunden: 6800
- Leergewicht: 20350 kg
- FIN: JFZ00664
- Seriennummer: JFZ00664
-bucket with teeth
-- Nederlands --
- Bedrijfsuren: 6800
- Ledig gewicht: 20350 kg
- VIN: JFZ00664
- Serienummer: JFZ00664
- Opties: Hamerlijnen
-bucket with teeth
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