LASER PILOT left, AUTO CONTOUR, chain, Trailer hitch automatic, Dust extraction for feeder housing, APS threshing system - grain (10/7/18), Hybrid unit for linseed with hydraulic rotor flap adjustment, 3D hillside sieves, GRAINMETER incl. returns volume measurement with CEBIS display, Grain tank 12,500 litres, Grain tank unloading tube XXL, Power spreader, TERRA TRAC track width 635 mm, 500/85 R24, Ground speed 30 km/h, Mercedes Benz OM502LA - 405 kW/551 hp (T4i) with air compressor, Fuel consumption measurement, Refrigeration unit, CEBIS terminal with colour display and CF card reader, Printer for CEBIS, QUANTIMETER yield measurement, Comfort seat air-suspended, CMOTION multifunction control lever, Steering valve black/white for LASER PILOT and AUTO PILOT, AUTO PILOT module, Rear view mirrors electric, Chain lubrication for grain tank unloading automatic, Rotating beacons 3 units, Close-proximity mirror, VARIO 1050 cutterbar and 4 wheel trolley, Advertised price is fully overhauled and harvest ready including all preventative maintenance and warranty. We can also supply the machine as is with a discount, or we can supply through your local Claas dealer. Please contact us to discuss your options. Subsidised finance available through Claas Financial Services
Dostávejte nezávazné nabídky

Sören Lüdtke-Hollm Prodej | |
Tel:+49 (0) 40 57290336 | |
Jazyky: Německy, Anglicky |
Zdenek Svoboda Prodej | |
Tel:+420 (0) 234 149237 | |
Jazyky: Česky, Anglicky 1 další Slovensky |
Łukasz Żurawiecki Prodej | |
Tel:+48 (0) 42 2069056 | |
Jazyky: Anglicky, Polsky |
Alex Renaud Prodej | |
Tel:+33 (0) 4 28770223 | |
Jazyky: Anglicky, Francouzsky |
Maxim Talpa Prodej | |
Tel:+40 (0) 31 2295743 | |
Jazyky: Anglicky, Rumunsky 2 další Rusky, Ukrajinsky |
Guillermo Fidalgo Prodej | |
Tel:+34 (0) 876 035149 | |
Jazyky: Anglicky, Španělsky |
Správnou nabídku pojištění pro tento stroj najdete zde.

DE-20457 Hamburg
Od po 9 Jahren 4 Monaten
Tiráž a detailyKleine Reichenstraße 1
D-20457 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 5729 0336
Registergericht: Hamburg, HRA 118729
Ust-IdNR: DE328328957
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