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Hyundai HL955 A XT lang arm Kolový nakladač

QF-číslo: 7717772  / Interní č.: 8429121A
QF-číslo: 7717772  / Interní č.: 8429121A

Hyundai HL955 A XT lang arm Kolový nakladač

ověřený poskytovatel
24.750 DKK (19.800 DKK bez 25% DPH)
Rok výroby
Použitý stroj
Zobrazit telefonní číslo
Stanoviště stroje
DK-6660 Lintrup
Detaily nabídky
HL955 A XT lang arm

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HL955 A XT lang arm

Burn damaged Hyundai HL955A XL with long arm. It is burnt damaged, but there are many good parts in it. There are axles, gearbox and engine parts that can be used. The rubber goat is from the year 2021 and has run for quite a few hundred hours, but it has just been left in a house that has been burned, so it is now up for grabs. It weighs about 16,000kg. It has chassis number HHKHWL50JL0000125.

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Skovlundvej 1, 6660 Lintrup, DK
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Skovlundvej 1
DK-6660 Lintrup

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