Sonstige IGN Jednoosý traktor
ONJ Tractors
Soil cutter rugged build. Working width 135 cm. The cutter working depth is adjusted by means of two skids, sitting on either side of fræsseren. Fræsseren doing an incredibly good job.
The blades can be easily replaced. The milling cutter is of gears.
We can provide an even more tiger model named IGN, it is available in 90 cm, 135 cm, 150 cm and 180 cm.
IGN 90 cm, with PTO kr. 8500, -
IGN 135 cm with PTO kr. 8995, -
IGN 150 cm, PTO kr. 8995, -
IGN 180 cm, with PTO kr. 9995, -
IGN 90 cm cutter for Mini Truck hydraulic kr. 16.900, -
all prices excl. VAT
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